Tony Nicholls - Infrastructure


Tony's installation "Infrastructure"now up in the southern end of the main gallery investigates a very pervasive phenomenon in all our lives: audible and inaudible sound.
"The viewer will enter a space filled with varying sound both audible and inaudible, see the results of energy transfer and a visualisation of wave forms" says Tony. His installation features two large 2.5m high steel hammerhead towers(pylons) connected by strings, and other mechanisms made from wood,brass and carbon fibre.

Infrastructure can be seen as a system revealing the propagation and consequent effect of waves on and through materials. In Telecommunications waves are controlled and put to work with transmission frequencies operating beyond the normal human range of perception. Here also unseen forces are brought out of concealment becoming either visible or audible by electromechanical systems. In this sending and receiving there may be a question as to the direction of flow.